2020年9月—至今 澳门新莆京7906not官网生物工程系
(1)Junrong Liang#; Xu Li#; Tao Zha#; Yuhuang Chen#; Huijing Hao; Chang Liu; Ran Duan; Yuchun Xiao; Mingming Su; Xin Wang*; Huaiqi Jing*; DTDP-rhamnosyl transferase RfbF, is a newfound receptor-related regulatory protein for phage phiYe-F10 specific for Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:3, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 22905.
(2)Yuhuang Chen#; Ran Duan#; Xu Li#; Kewei Li#; Junrong Liang; Chang Liu; Haiyan Qiu; Yuchun Xiao; Huaiqi Jing; Xin Wang*; Homology analysis and cross-immunogenicity of OmpA from pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia pestis, Molecular Immunology, 2015, 68(2): 290-299.
(3) 李旭; 赵林; 樊粉霞; 李哲; 卢昕; 逄波*; 阚飙*; 4株霍乱弧菌非产毒株溶源性噬菌体pre-CTXΦ的基因组结构分析, 微生物与感染, 2019, 14(4): 216-224.
(4)Xu Li; Lin Zhao; He Gao; Long Chen; Fenxia Fan; Zhe Li; Yufeng Fan; Jie Li; Weili Liang; Bo Pang*; Biao Kan*; A novel pre-CTX prophage in the Vibrio cholerae serogroup O139 strain, Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2020, 81: 104238.
(5)李旭, 梁俊容, 肖玉春, 邱海燕, 段然, & 景怀琦等. (2015). 小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌在中国家畜家禽间分布的研究. 中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 26(002), 145-147.
(6)张景山#, 李旭#, 闫梅英, 阚飙*; 樊粉霞*;. TaqMan-rRT-PCR检测猪霍乱沙门菌方法的建立和实验室评价[J]. 中国人兽共患病学报, 2021, 37(5): 410-415. ZHANG Jing-shan, LI Xu, YAN Mei-ying, KAN Biao, FAN Fen-xia. Development and evaluation of TaqMan real-time reverse transcription PCR assays for detection of Salmonella Choleraesuis. Chinese Journal of Zoonoses, 2021, 37(5): 410-415.
(7) Fan F , Li XU , Pang B , et al. The outer-membrane protein TolC of Vibrio cholerae serves as a second cell-surface receptor for the VP3 phage - ScienceDirect[J]. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2018, 293( 11):4000-4013